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Young Carers


What is a Young Carer?

A Young Carer is a child under 18 who regularly looks after someone in their family or a friend who is ill, disabled, or has a mental health problem or an addiction.

Children may engage in:

● Shopping, cooking, cleaning

● Managing medicines or money

● Providing personal care

● Helping get people out of the house

● Keeping an eye on someone

● Providing emotional support


John Spendluffe Technology College can support Young Carers. If you, or a family member, needs support please contact Rachael Hickson at All contact will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Meet the Team

Young Carer Student Champions

Dates for your Diary!

What does Young Carers in Schools aim to achieve?

At JSTC...

  • Young carers attend and enjoy school and reach their full potential.

  • Improve young carers’ wellbeing and ensure they are better prepared for independent lives

  • Young carers to have the same life opportunities as other children.

  • Parents and carers are supported to enable their children to attend school

  • Enable schools to identify and support young carers.

  • A school culture is created which is fully accessible and understands and respects disability and caring.

The Young Carers in Schools Award allows schools to gain recognition from leading charities for their good practice and ability to meet the needs of young carers.

The Award has been developed in consultation with schools, young carer services and young carers.

The Award consists of two levels – an Award and, launching in Spring 2024, an Award Plus. It is based on five standards which were developed following consultation with young carers. These five standards underpin the new Young Carers in Schools Award:


There are assigned members of staff with responsibility for understanding and addressing young carers’ needs


Awareness is raised by sharing knowledge about disability, illness and young carers throughout the school


Young carers are being identified within the school. Look out for the silver star!


Young carers are listened to, consulted with and given time and space to talk

Young Carers Award

For more information please follow the link below, or speak with Miss Hickson.
Young Carers in Schools


Young carers are supported within the school and signposted to whole-family resources and services outside the school

Young Carers Support in Lincolnshire

Find Your Local Young Carer Service | The Children's Society (

Adult Care Service | North East Lincolnshire & East Lindsey (

Young Carers Bake Sale!

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Hanby Lane, Alford, Lincolnshire, LN13 9BL



01507 462443

Please be aware that all phone calls are recorded

John Spendluffe Technology College 2023

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