Revision & Exam Support
With exam season arriving, we have collated a range of mental health support links for our students. Click on the pictures to learn more.
GCSE exam results day can be a time of heightened anxiety; it can be a stressful and challenging time for all the family. Whatever happens, JSTC staff will be in school right by the side of our Year 11 students and Kooth will be available online to support too. Attached is their helpful brochure ‘How to Support Your Child This Exam Results Day’.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Support
John Spendluffe Technology College places a high value on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of everyone in our community.
We are fully committed to supporting all students, staff, parents and carers. By raising awareness, understanding and compassion surrounding mental health we intend to help elimate societal stigma.
What is meant by 'Wellbeing' and 'Mental Health'?
We all have mental health – whether it is good, bad or in the middle. Put simply, your mental health is the way you feel on any particular day. We all feel worried, anxious or low in mood from time to time – that’s natural and normal.
When you feel this way, you just need to do something you enjoy, relax and talk to someone such as a friend, parent, sibling or trusted adult and then you will find that you start to feel differently. There are lots of people in school for you to talk to: your tutor, your progress team, teachers and support staff. We call this 'wellbeing' - being aware of how you feel and taking some 'self-care' steps so that you can bounce back and enjoy your day.
However, if your feelings are persistent (they don't go away) are stopping you from enjoying the things you like to do or you feel like you are struggling to cope, you may need some additional support for your mental health.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is:
‘a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.’
Student Mental Health - School Referral for
Clinical Support
We have in-school student counselling provision by using the services of Needbright Solutions.
We also work in partnership with the Mental Health Support Team, NHS Lincolnshire Trust, Skegness branch. If we feel students are struggling and need more specialist help in the form of cognitive behaviour therapy; we can refer you or we can advise you about making a self-referral.
Student Mental Health Self-Referral
If you are over 13 years of age and are concerned about your mental health your can make a self-referral to the Mental Health Support Team.
If you are a parent or carer and are concerned about the mental health of your child or young person, please read our JSTC leaflet: ‘Mental Health Presentations of Children and Young People Guidance for Parents / Carers’ which contains helpful information and next steps such as contacting the NHS Lincolnshire 24 hour advice and self-referral phone line: Here4You: 0800 234 6342 or you can complete an online self-referral form.
Student Wellbeing and Self-Care
Transition into Year 7
If you are in Year 7, or in Year 6 and thinking about coming to JSTC next year, you may find our 'Wellbeing Transition' leaflet reassuring.
Starting secondary school may feel daunting and you may be feeling worried. These feelings are perfectly natural. Our experienced Y7 Progress Team will visit you and get to know you in your primary school in the summer term. You will also be invited to a Year 5 day and two Year 6 days before you start at JSTC. You may also be invited to attend a fun summer school. On the first day back after the long summer holiday, there will only be the whole of Year 7 and some Year 11 Student Leaders in school. During your first week in Year 7, you will leave early for break, lunch and at the end of the school day. The canteen times are always staggered so that Year 7, 8 and 9 go separately to Years 10 and 11. Year 7 also have their own toilet facilities. Your wellbeing is important to us so the Year 7 Progress Team have taken steps to make sure you look forward to starting at JSTC.
Reading is a great way to support positive mental health and wellbeing. Go to the Reading Well and Reading Agency web pages to see fiction and non-fiction recommendations that will support good mental health. Go to our JSTC School Library for more reading suggestions.
Local Support for Young People and Adults
Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire County Council's website provides a range of self-help information, health and emotional wellbeing support, and links to mental health services offering advice and support for families.
Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) – Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
This is a free service for all Lincolnshire school-aged children and young peopleup to the age of 5 to 18 years (25 SEND or care leaver). Adults can access support through the Step2Change website.
Their Here4You advice line is open 24/7 for children, young people, parents / carers and adults who work in education seeking advice about a child or young person. Call 0800 2346342. Self-referrals are only takenbetwen the hours or 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Alternaltively, you can make a self-referral online. Self-referral is for young people not already supported by Healthy Minds or CAMHS. If you are a young person under the age of 13, your parent / carer will need to make the referral on your behalf.
The Mental Health Support Team Skegness branch work with JSTC.
There are a range of free self-help resources available includeing weekly podcasts on topics such as exam results, LGBTQ+ history month, loneliness, stress, heallth and nutrition.
Additionaly, there are free information guides and recorded workshops for low mood and deptression; exam anxiety; low self-esteem and confidence; obsessive compulsive disorder; anger, stress, anxitey and worry, available on the MHST website.
Lincolnshire Centre for Grief and Loss (LCGL)
Advice and free counselling service - the service is commissioned to improve the health and well-being of young people in Lincolnshire (up to the age of 19) who are experiencing grief and loss.
Grief is the involuntary emotional and psychological response that follows any loss. Loss situations can be caused by many different life events, such as death of a loved one; divorce and separation; problematic relationships and ill health. In fact, almost any significant life change or occurance.
Education Support is a charity that has been supporting the sector for over 145 years. Teachers and education staff can call 24/7 to talk through a range of concerns.
All JSTC employees and adults living in their household benefit from Education Support's Employee Assistance Programme. This is a paid for enhanced service that is free for all JSTC staff. The package includes:
A range of clinically robust, fast-track counselling options, including telephone and online or face-to-face sessions
Financial, legal and practical support from qualified professionals on a range of personal issues
·Access to online health and wellbeing resources and a specialist information service
A dedicated coaching service for line managers, aimed at developing your soft skills and building your confidence for handling challenging situations.
Contact information is shared on commencement of employment as part of our comprehensive induction programme.
Steps2Change have locations in Louth, Lincoln, Skegness and Boston. You can be referred by your GP or you can self-refer via the website. Depending on your needs at the time of referral, you may be added to a waiting list. This is an NHS service for adults and is free. Call 0303 123 4000 or complete the online self-referral form.
The NW Counselling Hub is located in Lincoln and operates a self-referral system via the website or over the phone. This is a paid for service but dependent on income, you may be able to access this service for free. They will inform you of the waiting list upon time of referral..
National Charities & Organisations

Kooth is a free, online counselling support service for young people that is available throughout the summer and all year round (Qwell is their service for adults).
In addition to counselling services, Kooth have a useful digital hub called ‘Kooth Promotion Central’. Free resources are available in this central place for education staff, parents and carers. These include articles, discussion boards, live chat, and a daily e-journal. Browse these resources to prompt conversations at home about how we look after our mental health. Remember, open conversations help remove stigma around mental health.
GCSE exam results day can be a time of heightened anxiety; it can be a stressful and challenging time for all the family. Whatever happens, JSTC staff will be in school right by the side of our Year 11 students and Kooth will be available online to support too. Attached is their helpful brochure ‘How to Support Your Child This Exam Results Day’.

Urgent Support
If you believe your life, or the life of another child or young person is at immediate risk, or you require immediate medical attention, please dial 999 straight away or you could go to the nearest Accident & Emergency department.
If it is not life threatening, but you feel you need immediate help you could contact 111 who will be able to advise you about what to do.
Alternatively, you could contact your family doctor (GP), teacher or parent/carer who will be able to help you to seek support.
Support and advice are also available from
Childline 0800 1111 or Samaritans 116 123.
Whether you are a child, young person or an adult and feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate to reach out to those who can help you. You are not alone.
Click on the images below to find trained professionals who will help.

School Contact
Mrs Powell
Assistant Headteacher and Senior Mental Health Lead
01507 462443
Do not use this contact for urgent support. See our Urgent Support section of this webpage.