
Year 6 Transition to JSTC
Every year we are delighted to welcome new students as they join us at JSTC and become part of our community.
We understand that the transition process from primary to secondary education can be a daunting experience, we know that students (and parents!) will be nervous and excited. We want to reassure you that we will assist you in any way we can to ensure all students arrive excited and fully informed about the next chapter of their education.
Students and Parents will be invited to a presentation in June/July to help with the transition process. Students will have 2 days during the summer term and on their first day in September, they will be the only year group in school which will help them with their transition.
On receipt of you accepting your place at JSTC, you will receive an ‘Admissions Pack’, which will include a pack of administrative documents to support your child's transition. Please ensure that those documents are completed in full and sent back to the school office as soon as possible.
We look forward to working with you all.
We look forward to welcoming you to JSTC but before you arrive it would help us greatly if we had a little bit of information from you. This information will help us ensure you settle easily into your secondary school life and make sure you enjoy the next five years with us.
Please click on the 'New Year 7 Starters at JSTC' form below, and thank you for providing the information: