Physical Education
We aim to create the very best experience for all ability levels within Physical Education. Our lessons are designed to provide fun, healthy learning experiences that emphasise the importance of sport, leisure and recreation. We do this by building leadership qualities in the students, for example by leading peers in warm-ups and drills and learning to speak confidently in front of others. We facilitate this in a way that is inclusive and fun. For those relishing the challenge of competitive sport, it is achieved through competitions against other pupils and other schools. Ultimately, we aim to link our students with external clubs for life long associations.
Our curriculum at JSTC is broad and combines what is taught in lessons for core PE with facilitating students who want to achieve the very best examination results possible - we believe our curriculum goes beyond what is examinable.
As a department we offer a varied extra-curricular programme open to all students. Our ethos is to provide all students with an opportunity to take part and try a wide range of sporting activities, therefore sowing the seeds for further pursuit of the skills and techniques, either inside or outside of the school environment.
Our ethos in Physical Education strongly reflects and promotes positive behaviours, particularly those of collaboration. SMSC is a regular feature of PE lessons; students learn how to operate in teams and the etiquette associated with taking part in physical activities. Students are taught strategies to solve problems in how to outwit an opponent or design/choreograph a gymnastic/dance sequence. Subject specific vocabulary is used regularly and expected to be used accurately by the students.
As a department we work hard on the basic core skills in the early years and regard these as the groundwork for pathway choices as they progress upwards in the school.
Currently we have a 3 year KS3 with 2 lessons a week (2 x 50mins)
In KS4 we also have 2 x 50 min lessons for Years 10 and 11.
There is currently a curriculum review being conducted which may result in some changes to this. (despite this we will still hit the National requirements for PE.)
At examination level OCR Sport Studies, we take on board the latest developments in sport to deliver appropriate and relevant lessons.
We incorporate initiatives designed to give the students the skills needed to gain the best possible grade.
We build Cultural Capital in PE for our students by providing opportunities for all to be aware of important national and international events and happenings in the sporting world.
We embrace House competitions each term that covers team and individual activities together with non PE subject based activities that engenders healthy competition and the concept of taking part and winning and losing.
We look into opportunities to watch live regional and international sport with students by visits to Leicester Tigers Rugby and England Men’s and Women’s football internationals.
As a department our key focus is on three benefits of being physically active: physical, emotional and social wellbeing. – Mental well-being and using sport as a distraction in an increasingly challenging world is a pillar of what we stand for.
In Physical Education we give the students the best start to becoming a player; we provide a stepping stone between primary and secondary school PE.
We have a broad and balanced curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9 and have developed greater choice for students as they move into Key Stage 4. ( next year we will develop a move into 3 year KS4 – this will not reduce the offer Ithat is currently taught in KS3) in all lessons we embed core skills, knowledge, principles, confidence across a broad range of activities. We strongly recognise the need to make PE fun and to foster a lifelong love of physical activity.
We know our curriculum is working in the Physical Education department in a number of ways.
We aim to have an impact on all and to try and engender a culture of fitness, health and fun from Year 7 to 11. In the early years in school we have high numbers of students who regularly appear in clubs and fixtures. There is a positive link between the school and local clubs who we encourage our students and parents to visit.
Student participation in lessons and their engagement in developing personal skills is high, kit is well established and students want to learn, play and improve.
We do have an issue with some boys and girls in upper years wanting to opt out of activity, so as a department we are constantly trying to evolve and adapt to show the students a positive outlook when it comes to sport, this involves trying new sports and activities and showing everyone the benefits of participation.
Our Sport Studies examination results have been consistently in line with the school’s average in terms of residuals, meaning that our students do as well as, if not better in Sport than, other subjects, this is down to staff expertise and the positive learning environment we create in the classroom.
We have visited local Outdoor adventure centres as part of the course and this has established a positive link between the school, the course and the vocational world.
For students to leave JSTC and be confident enough to be part of a local sports club, play, train, make friends and become involved is an indicator of success for the JSTC PE department.