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Photography is an extension of the individual expression and building of skills learnt and gained in Art & Design in KS3. Our intent is to develop students’ knowledge in a range of photographic techniques to be able to independently and creatively make their own work. As an option subject students will build on their previous knowledge from Art & Design to express themselves through a photographic medium. Photographers and artists are used to encourage students to understand their own creative identity. The subject intends to push students to take risks in a innovative manner.


Students will continue to extend their understanding of Art & Design but within Photography. Their knowledge from KS3 will be used to build upon to ensure that students get an experience that is extensive. Students are exposed to the functions and workings of a camera at the start of their course, they use a variety of photographic techniques and media to ensure they are aware and able to choose from a range of photographic mediums. Experimental photography is encouraged to allow for own personal growth.


Students will develop a sound understanding of photographic skills and techniques throughout the first year of the course. From this it will allow them to develop in confidence to use photographic equipment in a variety of ways, as well as alternative equipment. Summative and formative assessments are used throughout the year to ensure students are making relevant progress and to inform planning in future lessons for both students and staff. Ensuring our students have a comfortable environment is important to ensure they will take creative risks within the art department. Allowing students to have the understanding of Photography in the way we provide sets them up for a positive future within the arts.



Students are taught:

· To continue developing skills and techniques based on the visual elements (line, tone, texture, colour, form, pattern and shape) to better understand composition.

· To explore a range of photographic media and materials with reference to the visual elements and artist/photographer inspiration.

· To develop and explore ideas using artist/photographer inspiration. (AO1 – GCSE)

· To analyse the work of artists, designers and photographers and make links to their own work. (AO1-GCSE)

· To experiment with media techniques to develop work relating to their topic (AO2-GCSE)

· To select appropriate media and techniques to adapt/refine work where necessary. (AO2 – GCSE)

· To record ideas and intentions relating to the topic they are working on. (AO3 – GCSE)

· To respond to theme/topic with a creating a meaningful response. (AO4 - GCSE)

· And encouraged to take risk within themes/topics. Students should be able to learn from mistakes to improve development and refinement.

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Hanby Lane, Alford, Lincolnshire, LN13 9BL



01507 462443

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John Spendluffe Technology College 2025

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