Music at John Spendluffe is designed to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils. It has been developed to boost students confidence, improve their teamwork and individual learning skills, as well as, support their cognitive development and wellbeing.
Students will learn how to produce creative compositions, develop skills in a range of instruments such as keyboard, voice, ukulele and drums of the world.
They will evaluate and analyse their own and their peers performances and understand how to properly explain their opinions. They will continually be encouraged to have a go! They will learn transferrable skills including time management, self-discipline, teamwork, independent working, creativity, multitasking, responsibility and working towards goals.

Throughout key stages 3 and 4 Music's purpose is not only to give our students the opportunity to experience music and build their cultural capital, but to learn those all important transferrable skills in a fun and engaging way. In years 7-9 students will build their knowledge and skill base and regardless of whether they choose Music as an option in they will leave year 8 having learned skills that will help them in the future.
Year 7
Building on skills and knowledge from kS2.
In Year 7, students start learning the basic elements of music – Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Structure, Texture and Instrumentation. ​Each element will be explored through different topics – The Keyboard, The Voice, Folk music, Instruments of the Orchestra and Music and the Stage. Students will have the opportunity to use a multitude of instruments, compose their own music and gain valuable listening and evaluation skills. ​These basics in Music are used throughout their time here at John Spendluffe and will form the key parts they will need to access the content at GCSE level.
Year 8
A continuation of developing skills based performing, composing and appraising.
In Year 8, students continue learning the elements of music – Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Structure, Texture and Instrumentation. ​Students will continue to develop their knowledge further on these elements with added exploration and experimentation of genres. They will explore this through topics - Film Music, Popular Music, Experimental Music, World Music, Using a DAW and Historical Music. ​Towards the end of this year students will have experience a mini BTEC production project and understand the work that they would need to complete if they wanted to take Music.
Year 9
Preparation for BTEC
In Year 9, students will look in depth at the elements of music, performing, production, composing skills using computer software and appraising music at BTEC level. ​Students will learn how to analyse works of composers in more detail compared to KS3 and present their analysis in a comprehensive way.
Students will explore the history of music from 1600 to the present day and how to identify aspects of the different genres.
​DAW and Recording skills will be learnt using our suite of laptops, recording software and midi instruments. Students will learn the key personal and transferrable skills that make an effective musician, producer or composer.
BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice
Our BTEC Music course aims to encourage pupils to develop their performance, production and composing abilities, along with their creativity through components that teach skills relevant to the modern music industry. It seeks to encourage a more in-depth knowledge of their craft.
The course encourages students to gain experience in a range of genres, techniques and skills. These include western classical tradition, popular music, music industry skills, DAW, performance and composition.

Extra-Curricular Music
At JSTC we are proud to boast a thriving range of extra-curricular activities. Currently, we offer two weekly lunchtime clubs, Music Club, Young Voices and Musical Theatre Choir.
In addition, we have several amazing visiting peripatetic teachers who provide weekly lessons in specific instruments.
We would be able to provide teaching for most orchestral or band instruments you may be interested in.
For more information and to sign up please visit our Instrument Lessons page.

At JSTC we are proud to boast a thriving range of extra-curricular activities. Currently, we offer two weekly lunchtime clubs, Music Club, Young Voices and Musical Theatre Choir.
In addition, we have several amazing visiting peripatetic teachers who provide weekly lessons in specific instruments.
We would be able to provide teaching for most orchestral or band instruments you may be interested in.
For more information and to sign up please visit our Instrument Lessons page.