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English Resources


Bedrock Vocabulary

Bedrock Vocabulary is an online learning programme used by our students in Year 7 and 8, to help them learn the tricky sort of language they might come across in textbooks, lessons or exams.

As part of their independent learning programme, each week students are set Bedrock online lessons, which have been differentiated to suit the ability level of each child.

Accessing Bedrock

All students will be issued with a Bedrock username and password. They will need to record these securely and will use these to access Bedrock learning each week.

To access the Bedrock login page, please click on the link below.

For further information about how to use Bedrock Vocabulary at home, please take a look at the parent/carer user guide to Bedrock.

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For more information regarding the purchase of revision materials for set GCSE texts, please contact Mrs Mountain or Mrs Powell at school.

'Let knowledge grow more and more'

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Studying English begins with learning vocabulary. Without words to read, write, speak or listen, we are unable to communicate in an effective way. To ensure that all students at JSTC develop knowledge and skills when accessing our broad and challenging curriculum, we utilise Knowledge Organisers across all five cohorts.

Knowledge Organising forms a large proportion of our independent learning and revision. By studying and completing activities on small sections each week, and revisiting learning until it is stored in our long term memory, students are able to build their vocabulary bank as a gradual approach

Want to know more about knowledge based learning?


'Unveil the intriguing history of words and exactly how they work; reveal the elusive secrets to achieve spelling success; provide strategies for vocabulary for all teachers across every subject and phase'

- Alex Quigley (Closing the Vocabulary Gap)

In English, we are a proud reading department who embeds Literacy at its very core. To ensure all students in Year 7 & 8 have learning experiences which develop academic excellence and resilience, we utilise an online learning platform within our independent learning policy. Bedrock Learning is a digital literacy curriculum designed for secondary students at all abilities and age ranges. Bedrock Learning is helping schools and parents transform learning and literacy equipping all learners with the knowledge they need to improve their educational outcomes. 

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01507 462443

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John Spendluffe Technology College 2025

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