
At JSTC all students should have the opportunity to share and express their individual creativity within Art & Design. It is our intent to provide students with the fundamental skills, techniques and knowledge needed to independently create their own work. Students will build confidence in a range of techniques including; drawing, painting, printing and sculpting. Students will enhance their work from inspiration they will get from looking at other artists, designers, and craftspeople. From building skills, knowledge, techniques and other artists’ work students will have the toolkit needed to express themselves in Art. At JSTC we want students to be comfortable in their environment to be creative and take risks. Students should feel safe, secure and happy, when this is the case, they will produce their most creative work.
The teaching and learning at JSTC is based on the national curriculum. Topics are covered throughout KS3 and 4 to make sure students get the breadth and depth of the curriculum. A variety of media is used at different key stages in their Art lessons and skills are taught to build techniques progressively.
Students’ learning is enhanced throughout the year as Expressive Arts work collaboratively (Christmas show, production, Arts Award, enrichment week).
Students are taught:
· To develop skills and techniques based on the visual elements (line, tone, texture, colour, form, pattern and shape).
· To explore a range of media and materials based on the visual elements to develop their understanding of them.
· To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop their ideas.
· To develop work by combining visual elements.
· To select appropriate media and techniques to adapt/refine work where necessary.
· To use artist inspiration to develop work.
· To analyse the work of artists, designers and craftspeople and make links to their own work.
Students are taught:
· To continue developing skills and techniques based on the visual elements (line, tone, texture, colour, form, pattern and shape).
· To explore a range of media and materials with reference to the visual elements and artist inspiration.
· To develop and explore ideas using artist inspiration. (AO1 – GCSE)
· To analyse the work of artists, designers and craftspeople and make links to their own work. (AO1-GCSE)
· To experiment with media techniques to develop work relating to their topic (AO2-GCSE)
· To select appropriate media and techniques to adapt/refine work where necessary. (AO2 – GCSE)
· To record ideas and intentions relating to the topic they are working on. (AO3 – GCSE)
· To respond to theme/topic with a creating a meaningful response. (AO4 - GCSE)
· And encouraged to take risk within themes/topics. Students should be able to learn from mistakes to improve development and refinement.
By the end of each year, students can apply and understand the skills, knowledge and processes they have been taught. Summative assessments record progress throughout the year and the information from these is used to inform future lessons and planning. It is key to make sure students are supported and challenged appropriately. At JSTC our main objective is making sure students are in a comfortable, relaxed environment. This will allow students to think independently, be critical about their own work and of others’ and most importantly take risks!

Year 7
Building on skills and knowledge from kS2.
In Year 7, students will be taught the basic Visual elements in Art - line, tone, texture, colour, pattern and shape.
Each visual element is visited throughout the year and a mini project is completed in each area. Students gain understanding of how artists use the visual elements in their work.
These basics in Art are used throughout their time here at John Spendluffe and will form the key parts they will need to access the content at GCSE level.
Year 8
A continuation of developing skills based on the visual elements.
In Year 8, students will continue to be taught the Visual elements of line, tone, texture, colour, pattern and shape.
Students will continue to develop their knowledge further on these elements with added media experimentation.
They will explore developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and other forms of Art.
Towards the end of this year students will have a feel for a mini GCSE topic and understand the work that they would need to complete if they wanted to choose GCSE Art as an option.
Year 9
Preparation for GCSE coursework
In Year 9, students will experiment with a range of techniques and processes in Art to find out where their strengths lie. This year is about having fun and taking risks!
Students will learn how to analyse work of artists in more detail compared to KS3 work and present in a professional way, ready for year 10 when they start their coursework.
Students will be introduced to current and contemporary Art/Artists and will address current social issues.
Some of the work in this year may be used in their portfolio, which is worth 60% of their overall GCSE grade.
Our GCSE Art & Design course aims to encourage pupils to develop their thinking & analytical abilities, along with their powers of observation, imagination and practical skills. It seeks to encourage a more independent approach to study.
The course encourages students to gain experience in a range of artists, techniques and themes. These include drawing, painting, collage, multimedia and printmaking.
Year 10
Start of GCSE coursework – Portfolio
In Year 10 through to Year 11 students work towards a Personal Investigation which will become their coursework project / portfolio.
Themes for the portfolio can change from year to year.
Past portfolio themes have included
Natural Forms
Students will continue to develop analysis/annotation and presentation skills.
The completed portfolio will account for 60% of their final exam grade.
Year 11
Continuation of Portfolio
External Set Task
Students will complete the coursework element of the GCSE.
Students will receive an externally set task from the exam board (AQA) to produce the exam portfolio, unit 2 of the GCSE.
Students will use techniques and processes that they have developed and refined over year 9 and 10.
In Year 11 students sit a 10 hour (2 day) practical exam. This is preceded by a ten week sketchbook-based research & planning period.
The completed externally set task will account for 40% of their final exam grade.

Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Our Y10 GCSE Art students Queen Jubilee pieces were on display in the local Alford Corn Exchange as part of the local community's Platinum Jubilee celebrations!
An excellent display of pieces and talent from them all.