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Starting secondary school in Year 7


You apply for your child to start secondary school in Year 7 through the coordinated admissions scheme run by the local authority in which you live.


Parents resident in Lincolnshire can apply online through Lincolnshire County Council’s website: You can also apply by telephone, or ask for a hard copy application form, by telephoning 01522 782030.  Parents resident in other areas must apply through the local authority in which they live.   


The deadline for applications to be returned is 31st October in the year before admission in September.  Offers of places are made on 1st March in the same year as admission. If we are not able to offer you a place, you can appeal against that decision.


You can find the full admission arrangements for the academy, including the criteria used to decide who is admitted when the academy is oversubscribed, by clicking on the links further down this page.


Moving secondary schools – in-year admissions

If your child is already at school and you wish to move secondary schools then you must make a new application.  The academy is part of Lincolnshire’s coordinated scheme for in-year admissions. Details of Lincolnshire’s coordinated scheme can be found at


Wherever you live, you can apply to a new school directly or through Lincolnshire County Council’s website:  You can also apply by telephone, or ask for a hard copy application form, by telephoning 01522 782030.  


The academy does not have its own admission form and if you wish to apply on paper, you can use the common application provided by Lincolnshire admissions team.


You can apply to move schools at any time. We will aim to respond within 10 school days but you will always be notified of the outcome of your application within 15 school days. If we are not able to offer a place, you can appeal against that decision.


You can find the full admission arrangements for the academy, including the criteria used to decide who is admitted when the academy is oversubscribed, by clicking on the links further down this page. 

Admissions Forms

Below are a series of electronic Admissions Forms parents/carers must complete. There are 7 forms in total:


  • Main Student Admission

  • Health & Medication

  • Home - School Learner Agreement

  • Student Data Sharing Consent

  • ICT Acceptable Use & Internet/Email Permission

  • Marketing & Advertising Consent

  • Biometric Data Consent


Although there is no particular order in which the forms should be submitted, it remains that ALL 7 forms must be completed before you will be invited to collect your child's school uniform.


Some forms are more detailed than others and they will therefore take varying times to complete. It is important that once you start one form, you complete it before starting the next.



Do not attempt to complete any of the forms until you have received an invite email first and read all of the important documentation listed below. Each form requires a unique Parent Security Code which is included in the email.


The ‘find your nearest school’ tool is now live on the LCC website at the link below.

Appeals Timetable

​National offer day:  1 March 2022                            

Deadline for an appeal to be received: Noon 29 March 2022       

It can also be accessed at : Appeal a school place decision – How to appeal - Lincolnshire County Council

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01507 462443

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John Spendluffe Technology College 2025

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